What is Enterprise Technology?

In the current times of COVID-19 crises, work-from-home has become a norm. This is where digital technology makes its mark. It helps employees stay connected 24/7, allows companies to keep in touch with customers, and enables them to keep a watch over business activities from the factory floor. Let’s study how enterprise technology – ERP and CRM software – help boost business immunity to tackle COVID-19 situations appropriately.

How can ERP be used to handle the COVID-19 situation?

  • It enables companies to integrate traditional domains such as marketing, finance, manufacturing, supply chain and increase their productivity many times.
  • It helps supply chains to – schedule jobs, ascertain what resources are being used, create BOM (Bill Of Material) and update shipping documents.
  • It helps the manufacturing department to – reschedule workflow as per customer demand, update current stock of raw materials, and order out-of-stock materials in advance.
  • It helps the finance department to – store billing information, generate invoices automatically, inform customers about price changes, etc.

Also read: How to Choose the Right ERP Software for Your Business?

How can CRM be used to handle the COVID-19 situation?

  • Allows access to customer data and creates customer profiles.
  • Enables interaction through different communication channels such as email, video conferencing, social media, etc.
  • It allows customers to post queries and retrieve solutions as soon as possible.
  • It enables customers to form communities and seek help from each other.
  • Automatically sends any recent changes made in the company policy to customers.

Though humans are vulnerable to the virus in the absence of a vaccine, companies are not. Give a dose of enterprise technology vaccine to your company and boost your business immunity in times of crisis. At Sage, we are home to world-class ERP and CRM software that helps you minimize operational costs and maximize profits. To know more about it, SMS SAGE to 56767. You can also write to us at sales@sagesoftware.co.in.

Disclaimer: All the information, views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and their respective web sources and in no way reflect the principles, views or objectives of Sage Software Solutions (P) Ltd.

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