Co-presence in Power Pages

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Co-presence in Power Pages is a powerful feature that optimizes collaboration and communication in the web design and development process. It provides a visual representation of users, facilitates direct communication through Microsoft Teams, and offers a streamlined overview of who is working on specific web pages. This feature promotes a more efficient and productive working environment.

Business Use Case

Especially in larger teams or organizations, when multiple webpage designers are working simultaneously on different web pages within a project, it can lead to the aforementioned challenges

Lack of Awareness

Power Page makers may not know how many team members are currently working on webpage design, and they may not know who is working on which specific webpage. This lack of awareness can lead to inefficiencies and possible conflicts.

Difficulty in Communication

Communication is crucial while designing Power Pages, and without clear and easy communication, designers might face challenges in coordinating their efforts, seeking help, or sharing important information regarding the design and development of webpages.

How to see Active working users:

  1. Visit to
  2. Login with your user credentials and select the appropriate environment.
  3. After logging in, navigate to the Home–>> Active Sites –>>Edit
  4. Once we click on the Edit button, Design Studio will open, on which we can see the Active User icon.

Co-presence in Power Pages

Co-presence in Power Pages

Active User Icon Visibility

The Co-presence in power pages involves the display of user icons in both the command bar and the left navigation pane within a web design platform. These icons indicate the presence and location of other users on different web pages on which they are working.

Toolbar Icons

User icons are visible on the toolbar, which is typically located at the top of the interface. These icons are representations of the users currently working on the site.

Here, four users are working on designing webpages, so three icons are displayed on the toolbar. If more than three users are working on designing webpages, then +1 will be shown on the toolbar based on the active working users on the website. By clicking on this number, you will be able to expand the list and view of all users who are actively present on the site.

Note: There may be a delay of up to 20 seconds between when new members join the design studio and when you see their presence and location.

Co-presence in Power Pages

Left Navigation Pane Icons

Especially when multiple users are simultaneously working on different web pages within a website. As users navigate through different web pages, user icons are updated accordingly based on the location of the webpage.  In real-time, it keeps users and admins informed about who is working on the website.

Here, different users are working on three different webpages on the website. To provide a clear visual representation of where each user is actively working on the webpage, the system displays user icons in front of the specific webpage they are currently working on.

If more than one user is working on same webpage, then two user icons will be visible in front of that webpage.

Here on ‘Best Investment Offer webpage’. Two users are working, so two user icons will be visible.

Co-presence in Power Pages

Efficient Communication among Team Members

Co-presence in power pages also provides the communication feature among the team members. Within the Power Pages interface, there is a command bar where you can find the names of team members who are currently active. When you select a name from the command bar, the system displays a user card associated with that individual user. Once you’ve accessed a user’s card, the Copresence feature provides a link to the Chat in Teams options. This integration with Microsoft Teams allows you to instantly initiate a chat or conversation with the selected team member.

Co-presence in Power Pages


Co-presence in Power Pages feature boosts team visibility and collaboration across web projects and enhances productivity in web design and development projects.


The post Co-presence in Power Pages first appeared on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Tips and Tricks.