How to upload prospect list that is unorganized

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Please forgive me, very new to CRMs.

I have an extensive list of companies in CSV that contains multiple columns of information about those companies. I would like to upload it into a CRM.

The problem is it’s not formatted well.

As an example, the address is a single field, and is not always formatted the same. Sometimes including a phone number, the word USA or US, and other non address related information. But having a correctly formatted mailing address is critical to me.

As well as some companies on the list are on there many many times. I don’t want them entered multiple times.

Other things like that. The list is highly organized in some ways, but not in others.

So my question is, what tools are available? If there is a type of person that can help organize this, what is their title and where do I find them?

The initial list I have is 75,000 rows, but I can build that to millions. So that eliminates manual entry as a possibility. Needs to be Excel formula, ChatGTP based or other specialized software based. It would also be preferred if the system is built in a way that I can continue to use it over time.

submitted by /u/Due-Tip-4022
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