FB CRM Recommendations

User Review
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Hi everyone,
Here is the problematic:
We are currently talking to our customers through facebook messenger platform using their FB Page Chat management which is far from ideal.
We are receiving a large numbers of messages and we are about to receive much more, which will require us to recruit more staff.
Inquiries labelling, assignment to agents etc is really difficult with FB own tool so we are looking for a better alternative.
Unfortunately it seems that it is tricky to use live chat or intercom when you are dealing with FB ads Messages since it does not or not always trigger the conversation to appear in their backend for some reason.
I am wondering if someone know a great tool to do just that and or if there might be a fix to our problems with livechat?
How are you guys doing this in your company if this is something you are doing?

submitted by /u/deremios
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