CRM for contractors

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I’m starting up a service/remodel based electrical contracting company and need some workflow guidance.

We use (most of the time) what’s called a flat rate price book. This can be had a few ways:

•stand alone software

•stand alone that can be integrated into a crm.

•or subscribe to one of a few CRM’s that currently use this book such as, housecall pro, service fusion & payzerware to name a few. This is the easiest way to create invoices as it keeps the customer records tidy and in one spot.

One benefit of a stand alone is that if you dislike the CRM you move onto the next one and keep your book that you’ve generally poured hours into customizing.

A down side is that if you invoice from the stand alone book (which has very basic features) then you have to either a upload a copy into the customer file in the CRM or keep a separate record. Additionally this makes for a higher chance of errors when creating a Proposal or invoice and takes up time cross referencing the book. Can be done but maybe there’s something out there that people do to make this better?

I’m looking for the following features in a CRM:

•job costing (not crucial but would be nice)

•something that will send an email once the job is complete with a link to my reviews all in one place.


•ability to track proposal accept/decline ratio’s

•terms and conditions will be on the invoice for service but I would like the ability to have separate contracts or more importantly waivers, disclosure forms etc.

•ability to take photos and upload to customer file.

My struggle is how can I do this effectively while in the beginning because it will just be me and I really need to be on top of numbers and at the same time iron out a smooth system so it’s easy and clean when I hire others.

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/m4i2k2e2
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