10 Emerging Trends in ERP

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) isn’t a hyped concept anymore. It’s reality, and it’s here to stay. Knowing the emerging trends in ERP provides the opportunity to understand what one should do in their enterprise to achieve the desired results from an ERP implementation. So, what are the top 10 emerging trends in ERP?

#1 CRM is at the top

With various consumer based companies performing poorly due to the escalating recession, companies have realized the importance of using customer data to their advantage. Hence the leading purchases in ERP tend to be for a CRM system.

#2 Need based ERP purchases

One aspect of ERP which stymied its usage in SMBs was that small organizations required only some of the functionalities offered by a full-fledged ERP software. Except the core functions, others remained idle, which reduced the overall productivity of the purchase. The current trend is need based sales of the ERP software.

#3 Increasing focus on business intelligence ERP

Companies are focusing on making better predictions by using a ERP software with specialized business intelligence. Decision making processes has markedly improved if the right ERP system is in place.

#4 Increased need for specialized ERP services

When ERP software was introduced, vendors were concentrating almost entirely on making specialized systems. However, as time went on, they started favoring generic ERP systems. It appears that the clock has turned back as specialized ERP software is being favored by organization nowadays.

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