Sample code (C#) for Multi-Table Lookup / Polymorphic Lookup attribute in Dataverse / Dynamics 365

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For creating multi-table lookup we already have an XrmToolBox plugin Polymorphic Lookup Creator which we should be using ideally, but in case somebody wants to try it out, the below shared sample code can be referred.

Below is our custom table named mycustomtable to which we’d add a multi-table lookup which references case, contact and account entity.

We need to call CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute Action, which expects 3 parameters

Below is the sample code to create the polymorphic lookup.

string ConnectionString = "AuthType = OAuth; " + "AppId=51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d; " + "; " + "Password=pwd; " + "RedirectUri=app://58145B91-0C36-4500-8554-080854F2AC97;" + "Url =;"; CrmServiceClient svc = new CrmServiceClient(ConnectionString); if (svc.IsReady) { // Create PolymorphicLookupAttribute // with mycustomtable custom entity / table // referencing case, contact and account entity var varOrgRequest = new OrganizationRequest(); // specify the request name varOrgRequest.RequestName = "CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute"; // specify lookup attribute details varOrgRequest.Parameters["Lookup"] = new LookupAttributeMetadata() { SchemaName = "crf82_mypolymorphiclookup", DisplayName = new Label("My Polymorphic Lookup", 1033) }; // referencing entity is our custom entity named my custom table // referenced entity is incident var oneToManyRelation1 = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata(); oneToManyRelation1.ReferencingEntity = "crf82_mycustomtable"; oneToManyRelation1.ReferencedEntity = "incident"; oneToManyRelation1.SchemaName = "crf82_mycustomtable_crf82_incident"; // referencing entity is our custom entity named my custom table // referenced entity is contact var oneToManyRelation2 = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata(); oneToManyRelation2.ReferencingEntity = "crf82_mycustomtable"; oneToManyRelation2.ReferencedEntity = "contact"; oneToManyRelation2.SchemaName = "crf82_mycustomtable_crf82_contact"; // referencing entity is our custom entity named my custom table // referenced entity is account var oneToManyRelation3 = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata(); oneToManyRelation3.ReferencingEntity = "crf82_mycustomtable"; oneToManyRelation3.ReferencedEntity = "account"; oneToManyRelation3.SchemaName = "crf82_mycustomtable_crf82_account"; // populate OneToManyRelationships parameter of CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute request varOrgRequest.Parameters["OneToManyRelationships"] = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata[] { oneToManyRelation1, oneToManyRelation2, oneToManyRelation3 }; // specify the existing solution name varOrgRequest.Parameters["SolutionUniqueName"] = "MySolution"; var response = svc.Execute(varOrgRequest); }

The lookup à

Sample code to add a new relationship to an existing lookup.

 var createOneToManyRelationshipRequest = new CreateOneToManyRequest(); // referencing entity is our custom entity named mycustomtable // referenced entity is contact - add the entity to be added var oneToManyRelationAdd = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata(); oneToManyRelationAdd.ReferencingEntity = "crf82_mycustomtable"; oneToManyRelationAdd.ReferencedEntity = "contact"; oneToManyRelationAdd.SchemaName = "crf82_mycustomtable_crf82_contact"; createOneToManyRelationshipRequest.OneToManyRelationship = oneToManyRelationAdd; // specify lookup attribute details to which new relationship is to be added createOneToManyRelationshipRequest.Parameters["Lookup"] = new LookupAttributeMetadata() { SchemaName = "crf82_mypolymorphiclookup", DisplayName = new Label("My Polymorphic Lookup", 1033) }; var createOneToManyRelationshipResponse = svc.Execute(createOneToManyRelationshipRequest);

Sample code to remove relationship from an existing lookup.

 var deleteRelationShip = new DeleteRelationshipRequest(); // specify schema name of the relationship deleteRelationShip.Name = "crf82_mycustomtable_crf82_contact1"; svc.Execute(deleteRelationShip);

Sample code to delete the lookup

 // User delete attribute request DeleteAttributeRequest varDelRequest = new DeleteAttributeRequest(); // specify the entity name varDelRequest.EntityLogicalName = "crf82_mycustomtable"; // specify the schema name of the entity varDelRequest.LogicalName = "crf82_mymultitablelookup"; svc.Execute(varDelRequest);

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Hope it helps..
