Small Business CRM w/ dynamic workflow/client portal/Email integration?

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Hello- my small pension plan administration company recently switched to a rather niche CRM (Pension pro) and now that we've recognized the pitfalls (mainly dynamic workflow capabilities/ability to capture and store emails and docs/easily create blast email), we may need to switch gears once again. There is no real ability for integration and we'd wind up spending even more on third party solutions.

I'm hesitant to go with another niche CRM because of the lack of available integrations. I'm considering an integrated combo of smartsheets+MS Flow/Sharefile (we use Sharepoint/Onedrive for intranet so that would integrate too) but it's going to be a lot of work to properly build it out and I'd likely need to hire someone (which is fine if it's going to work how we want it to).

A) are there any suggestions for alternate solutions? and B) does anyone have any feedback on the above combo of programs to meet our needs?

submitted by /u/gottarespondtothis
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