Is Hubspot The Best CRM For My Email Campaigns?

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There’s so many CRM’s and I’m having hard time determining which is best for my needs. Any help would be great: I’m leaning towards Hubspot at the moment, but I know there’s tons of platforms I haven’t looked into.

Myself and a partner are doing cold calls and adding prospects from those calls to email campaigns. It’s a small operation, but we’re planning to increase our volume of cold calls. So we want a system that is user friendly and doesn’t slow us down, but we also need great email follow-up tools. I’ll summarize our main needs:

  1. Easy to add contacts quickly, write notes, and schedule follow-up
  2. The ability to create emails that I can attach pictures, embed video (I haven’t done this before, seems to be difficult), and attach files to (files being the least important).
  3. Easy to build email campaigns. Easy and quick to add and remove prospects from different automated campaigns.
  4. This is less important, but is nice to have: aesthetic and professional pre-built email templates (one thing I like about Hubspot)

I’m really hoping someone here has some experience with a platform that can do all of these things. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/Spy-der
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