6 Best Alternatives and Competitors for GetResponse

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In the world of CRM and marketing as well as sales automation, there are a number of names that are easily recognizable. GetResponse is one of these names. With a loyal following and many features on offer at a reasonable price point and many options for upgrading to enterprise level, this would be one of the best options for many small and growing business owners. Yet, with the advent of newer trends, tools and technologies, it has become clear that there are many GetResponse alternatives that have proven to be more reliable than this well known platform.

Before we get into the details of what these GetResponse competitors do and how they can benefit your business – especially if you happen to have a small and growing business with the challenges of scaling upwards – we must understand what CRM and automation really are and why your business requires the same. The truth is that CRM and automation are the need of the hour for any and every business in this day and age of information and all things digital. Let us understand why we need CRM and what needs if fulfils for the end user:

  • Contact Management: This would be one of the most important gaps that we need to fill when we look at the plethora of information that is out there. With the digital age, there has been an explosion in the availability of information. Gone are the days when a spreadsheet containing the contact details of prospects, customers and repeat customers could be made and maintained manually. Those were the days when there was limited information to deal with. Now, however, the GetResponse alternatives are trending because they help in taking all the big data and automatically updating the contact information depending on the stage that the person may have reached in the marketing or sales funnel.
  • Auto Responses: Have you and your team found yourselves often grappling with the reality of mounds of emails that have to be sent – where many of them are the exact same text with a different name and a few different details that need to be personalized? Well, then it is time to do away with the sheer monotony of creating and sending these emails time after time since GetResponse competitors have now made auto response to various tasks and functions a new reality. Auto responses are the new reality of the digital future, which helps us keep up a professional front even as we tackle the emails with automation – meaning, no tapping or typing required! This would most definitely free up the time of the team members who can now be engaged to actually put their core skills to use for a better conversion rate.
  • Insight Gathering: This is a very important function that many businesses tend to miss out on. While gathering data in order to create data driven campaigns is a must, the alternative to GetResponse would also be able to use the data from reach and engagement to create insights and a constant flow of reports to show which direction you are headed in, and whether or not it is the correct one for your business – small or big. This can help you in a huge way since you would be able to take corrective and pre-emptive measures, thus saving your business the wastage of many man hours and even more resources.

These are only a few of things that one must be watchful for, while reaching out to sign up for the best GetResponse alternative. Here are some of the best GetResponse competitors that you can turn to, in order to make your business grow at a much faster rate:

EngageBay: This would hands down be one of the most notable entries in this list since it has won many awards and serviced thousands of customers all over the world. You can easily see why when you take a look at the wide number of features that are offered at an uber affordable price point by the platform – starting with campaigns on various platforms to lead generation, marketing automation and intentions that can add much value to the way you run your business and generate revenues.

Moosend: This is also a well known GetResponse competitor that many people turn to, when they are in need of CRM and marketing automation. Yet, it only concentrates on email marketing which limits the reach you can achieve with this platform.

Send in Blue: This GetResponse alternative lets you create wonderful email campaigns, but it misses the point when it has to deliver the same on other platforms across the digital world. This is also a more expensive option compared to the others.

Insightly: Insightly is one of the best known platforms after Engage Bay, yet it is quite expensive compared to the other platforms since it does not offer a very wide suite of features at the same price points. This makes it a limited platform as well, since one would need to spread out over many platforms and channels to reach and engage with customers.

Active Campaign: This GetResponse alternative has a number of features that can help you reach your customer through landing pages and email marketing. It also offers lead generation through these tools. Yet, it does not have many of the features and the options for integration like EngageBay would offer you at the same price point. Also, some of its templates are quite dated.

Drip: This is a new and upcoming platform that is one of the better known GetResponse alternatives. It offers many features including marketing automation for your current list of contacts. But you would have to generate your own campaigns here.

The above discussion clearly shows that EngageBay would easily be one of the best GetResponse alternatives since it offers a wide range of features within a reasonable price point for all business sizes. It also allows you to upgrade easily!