Adv Hands On Lab 5: Embedding PowerApps into Power BI

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Step by step guide for embedding PowerApps within Power BI.

Key points to consider –


Power BI Dashboard

In this lab, you will create a Power BI dashboard with an embedded PowerApp. The final product will look like the image below.

Exercise 1: Build Power BI Report

High level tasks

    Task 1: Connect to PowerBI and enable sample data. Build PowerBI report

    Task 2: Import PowerApp visual for use in report

Task 1: Build Report

In this task, you will build the Power BI Report.

  1. Navigate to and click Sign in.
  2. At the bottom of the left navigation, click Get Data
  3. Select Samples.

  1. Select the Retail Analysis Sample.

  1. Connect.

  1. Your sample dataset will take a moment to load.

  1. Expand My Workspace and click to on the Retail Analysis Sample under the Datasets. If you have completed the prior steps and do not see this sample, refresh your browser.

  1. Go to the Fields pane, expand the Store table, and select the

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