Your solution is too large. Reduce the number of entities to 5 or less message while publishing through Ribbon Workbench

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To begin with, Ribbon Workbench is easily one of the best tools out there for CRM professionals for almost a decade now.

In CRM 4.0, to add a custom button on the form, we simply had to add a tag in ISV.Config file.

The first time I tried adding a button in CRM 2011 (while it was in beta), it took nearly 8 hours.

With Ribbon Workbench, it has all come down to a matter of minutes. Thanks to Scott Durow

While working with the tool recently, we were getting the following message repeatedly while trying to publish the changes

The first thing we need to make sure is we are only having the required entity and solution components in the solution that we are working with inside the tool as suggested.

If we are already following that, another thing that we can make sure is, before we start working with the already loaded solution, is to reload the solution before making any changes.

E.g. I had the solution already loaded in the tool, and now I after a couple of hours I am trying to update a few things in it.

Before making any change, click on the Open Solution and load the solution again.

Load the solution, make any desired change, and publish.

This way we were able to avoid the error during publishing (also it will make sure we are working with the latest solution)

Hope it helps..