Gotcha! Does Library name really matter while registering event handler in Dynamics 365

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Debajit’s Dynamic CRM Blog

Registering an event handler for your form events or field events – Probably the most mundane stuffs that you would perform everyday if you a CRM consultant. But sometimes the simplest things have the greatest mysteries to unfold.

Now here I was in a training session emphasizing the importance of namespaces while you write your JavaScript files. And I was explaining how can putting the same method name in multiple files can actually lead to different event handler being called for your event instead of the desired event handler registered.

And then I get this question – “How is that possible? After all we specify the library name while specifying the event handler. Isn’t it?” Well the participants were pretty experienced in CRM and honestly I was also into split thought after I heard.


After all from the basic concept of the Javascript I know, the first function which matches…

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