Using Data Anonymizer component (SSIS) to mask data in Dynamics 365

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At times to ensure compliance, we need to mask the data, especially in our sandbox environments, while still maintaining the structure of the data.

Here we can make use of the Data Anonymizer component of KingswaySoft’s SSIS productivity pack to mask the existing data.

Create a new SSIS package, add CDS Source, Data Anonymizer, and CDS Destination component.

CDS Source and CDS Destination are connected to the same sandbox environment where we are going to mask the data.

We have selected email address1, mobile phone, website URL field of Contact entity to be masked in CDS source along with contactid primary key to be used for Upsert action in CDS Destination.

Open the Data Anonymizer component and specify the property for each of the fields.

Email Address 1 –

Select Anonymization Type as Email (Personal)

Mobile Phone –

Select Anonymization Type as Regex and specify the Pattern for the Regex.


Select Anonymization Type as URL

Inside the CDS Destination component, select Upsert Action with matching Criteria as Primary Key as we are using contactid.

Map the fields

Execute the package

We’d see the updated contact records inside Dynamics 365

Get all the details of Data Anonymizer Component here

Here are few other articles on SSIS (KingswaySoft)

Hope it helps..