Sage Intacct For Construction Helps ACT Lay the Foundation for Impressive Growth

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ACT Construction has been a family-owned business for over 36 years. The company has grown from a small operation to handling over 200 projects across the country each year. They pride themselves on delivering projects on time and within budget, which is critical in the fast-paced construction industry. However, with growth came new challenges, particularly with managing their operations and finances efficiently. Their old systems, which relied on Excel spreadsheets and a mix of disparate software, made it difficult to scale the business and keep track of vital project details.

As ACT Construction expanded from $30 million to nearly $100 million in annual revenue over the past eight years, the need for a more robust system became evident. They knew that they needed something cloud-based and scalable to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the construction industry. This is where Sage Intacct came in. After an impressive demo, the decision to implement Sage Intacct was made, setting ACT Construction on a path to streamline their operations and continue their impressive growth.

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How Sage Intacct Has Helped ACT Construction Streamline Operations

Moving to a modern, cloud-based ERP has made a world of difference for ACT in many areas of their business. Let’s examine some of the benefits they’ve since enjoyed.

Cloud-based, Anytime, Anywhere Access – On Any Device

Sage Intacct’s cloud-based system has allowed ACT Construction to access vital project information from anywhere. For project managers who frequently travel, being able to check real-time data from airports, hotels, or job sites has been invaluable. No longer tied to the office, they can now manage tasks on the go, on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, leading to more responsive decision-making and quicker action when issues arise.

Customized Sage Intacct Dashboards Bring Financial Clarity

The custom dashboards in Sage Intacct provide ACT Construction with a clear view of their financial health at any moment. With the ability to drill down into specific line items, the leadership can quickly assess if a project is on track to be profitable. This level of detail was previously impossible with their old systems, making it much easier now to monitor performance and make adjustments when needed.

Seamless Integration with Procore

ACT Construction uses Procore for their construction management, and the integration with Sage Intacct has been seamless. Instead of manually entering data into multiple systems, the integration allows information to flow smoothly between platforms. This has eliminated errors and saved time, freeing up the team to focus on the actual construction work instead of administrative tasks.

Project Management in Sage Intacct

With Sage Intacct, ACT Construction has improved its project management capabilities significantly. The system provides real-time updates, allowing managers to track every aspect of a job with precision. This has proven essential, as construction projects can shift quickly, and having access to up-to-date information helps ensure that projects stay on time and on budget.


One of the most critical benefits of Sage Intacct is its scalability. As ACT Construction continues to grow, the system has the capacity to handle increasing volume and complexity. Whether the company takes on more projects or adds new team members, Sage Intacct scales effortlessly to meet their needs, ensuring the software won’t hold back their ambitious growth plans.


Transitioning from Excel spreadsheets to Sage Intacct has dramatically improved efficiency for ACT Construction. By automating many of the manual processes they used to rely on, the company has minimized errors and reduced the time spent on administrative tasks. This has allowed the team to focus more on their projects and less on data entry, resulting in smoother operations overall.


Enhanced collaboration is another significant benefit ACT Construction has experienced with Sage Intacct. With better visibility into projects, both project managers and assistant project managers can stay aligned on goals. This transparency fosters teamwork and ensures that everyone is working towards the same objectives, which is critical for delivering successful projects.

Get a True-Cloud ERP for Your Construction Business

ACT Construction’s success story shows how Sage Intacct can revolutionize growing construction companies. By providing cloud-based access, financial clarity, and seamless integration with other systems like Procore, Sage Intacct has helped ACT Construction streamline their operations and scale their business. If you’d like to learn more about their experience, watch the video.

If your construction business is looking to gain similar benefits and support future growth, Sage Intacct could be the solution you need.

Book an intro call with us at Alta Vista Technology today to learn more about how we can help your company lay the foundation for future success!


By Alta Vista Technology |

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