Small company been using Salesforce for years, want to switch to Hubspot. Help me convince my boss

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I am in SaaS. I have been doing sales with my company 13 years, we have always used Salesforce. Here's the extent to which we use it:

  • creating / looking up accounts to track prospects (only enter company name, website, phone number)
  • "log a call" to enter in a contact with a prospect
  • my boss keeps an eye on how many calls we make in a day

We use g suite for email, calendar, drive. I manually create follow ups in my calendar.

I know there is so much opportunity to further automate things like follow ups, and even integrate the CRM into our marketing and customer service positions. My goal is to reduce error and increase efficiency, while having a deeper integration with the entire team one day, not just sales reps. I would also like to increase transparency, since my boss gets all incoming sales leads and keeps some for himself and disperses others at his discretion to myself and other members of the sales team (there's only 3 of us)

My boss needs 5 reasons before he will consider making the switch. He thinks anything I want to do with Hubspot, we can just do with salesforce.

submitted by /u/aambivalence
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