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( votes)ERP News Magazine February 2021 – Issue #14 – Download Here (PDF)
We left behind a challenging year and there were plenty of tough business lessons to learn from that we should apply to this year. Above all else, we have witnessed that businesses that are hanging on to their legacy systems had to struggle for survival. Only those who could transform themselves to live with the changing technology environment around them had survived. For example, as companies had to implement remote access technologies fast enough to stay alive, companies that were already using cloud systems have encountered much fewer problems than others.
ERP News Magazine February 2021
Most importantly, businesses have realized that they can accomplish most tasks remotely. As a wide variety of processes are managed remotely, from business meetings to the ERP projects go-live, the remote working model has now become a reality in our lives. In this issue of our magazine, we have explored how ERP software can help with remote working and the other ERP trends to look out for in 2021.
Also, you will find an exclusive interview with Ergin Öztürk, CEO of IFS Turkey, as well as the different opinions of many industry experts on what we can expect from the new year about ERP. And if you are in the ERP Industry, do not miss the Lumenia ERP HEADtoHEAD™ full-scale virtual event that will take place on the 23rd – 24th March, where 14 ERP vendors will go head to head to demonstrate their ERP solutions. Perfect opportunity to efficiently review and compare the leading ERP systems!
In this first issue of 2021, we have reflected on what 2020 has taught us and the lessons that we will carry with us to shape 2021. We wish all our readers good health and success for this year!
Thank you for being with us and see you in the next issue of ERPNews Magazine!
See you in the next issue …