See What’s New in the 2024 Wave 2 Release for Customer Insights-Journeys

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Imagine there was an easier way to provide tailored customer experiences without the extra work? Fortunately, these are exactly the kind of capabilities and updates that Microsoft has been focusing on as part of the 2024 Wave 2 release for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights-Journeys. And to make things easier for you, we’ve put together a brief webinar highlighting some of the new features we think will help you build better, and stronger, customer connections.

Watch the full Dynamics 365 Customer Insights-Journeys 2024 wave 2 release webinar

Here’s a brief summary of what you can expect to learn from the webinar:

The benefits of the heatmap capability

Knowing which email links your audience clicked on is highly beneficial in helping you understand the effectiveness of your marketing communication. Plus, knowing what type of content resonates with your customers makes creating more personalized journeys easier. Thanks to the reintroduction of the heatmap capability, you’ll be able to see the total clicks, unique clicks, and the click rate for each link in an easy-to-read heatmap, removing the need to sift through tedious hyperlink reports.

How to split audience journeys by percentage or numbers

Previously, segmenting audience journeys in Dynamics 365 was a complex and time-consuming task. Thanks to this new feature your team can now easily split audience journeys by percentage or number, giving you greater control over the type of content your audience receives. This allows you to quickly set up A/B testing and tailor your marketing communication according to audience interests, resulting in more genuine customer connections.

Control how quickly customers enter a journey

Too many customers entering a journey can sometimes negatively impact your business. For example, sending out a promotion email may result in a surge of website traffic, which can result in slow site performance and negative feedback. Fortunately, the new rate limit feature allows you to keep your audience in a single segment while controlling their entry into a journey. This helps you better manage your resources and reduces the chance of poor customer experiences.

To learn more about these features, along with a detailed setup guide and live demo showcasing each one in action, check out our webinar.

Watch the full Dynamics 365 Customer Insights-Journeys 2024 wave 2 release webinar

What’s Next for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights Journeys?

Expect to see a lot more new capabilities and updates for Dynamics 365 Customer Insights-Journeys in the coming months. If you’re interested in implementing any of these features or simply want to know more about which Dynamics 365 products would be the most beneficial for your company needs, let us know. We’d be more than happy to help you out!

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