A New CRM Needs a Hand with Workload

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Good morning! This is my first job as a CRM, it is for a small IT company. The CEO is an amazing person, she is also the head Salesperson. I was hired on to get her sorted and get things teed up. I have organized Manage and also Lifecycles, we have semi-regular xBR's set up. The problem is that I do all this work and then it goes up to her to do something and it dies. I regularly have zero work to do, and when I do it is minimal because I have things so tightened up. I suggest lots of ideas, she either says no or yes and it dies there. I offered to make really exciting Powerpoints for these meetings, she doesn't want them. Shes on vacation this week and I have zero work to do. I feel bad coming in because Im not adding value, but I really don't know what to do anymore. In our 1:1's Im asking for more work, asking to do more but she's adamant that she's happy just as we are doing. So do I just get over it and accept that I get paid to do almost nothing?

submitted by /u/Peaches_n_CRM24
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