Text Based Business – CRM Recommendation

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Hey all,

So our business is in need of deal management, client profiles, and some light ticketing system that also integrates with our ecom store Shopify. We sell high-ticket items, so we are not ultra-high volume but rather have a hundreds of clients to manage, many being repeat that we want to follow up with.

Our issue is that our business is 90% text based, meaning initial lead, negotiation, after-sales support, etc. We use OpenPhone as the phone system, as its sms/mms capability is great, but it's very lightweight, and doesn't really have any CRM type features we are now needing.

Breakdown of needs below:

1) Leads/Client Database – we need a place where we can pull client information, but also manage leads like follow ups automations. This works best when we have an acitivity log, where we can see all interactions with the client.

2) Deal Management – Prefer to have a system that can also track current deals going on with clients, since sometimes negotiations can last a few days/weeks, and closing the sale takes some time. But tracking that journey is important, and being able to see where a client is in a particular deal is important for the admin. Shopify can handle order status, but it would be nice to have this linked to the clients profile.

3) Ticketing – This is mainly after sales support, not super essential but would help as we grow, and tracking issues, refunds, replacements, repairs etc kind of sucks in a google sheet and is a little slow.

4) Communication Management – 90% is text based, but we do get emails, instagram dms, web forms etc. And having this all go to 1 place is ideal for tracking and being able to enable the follow up automations.

This is really it, but it's so hard to find a system that does this all. Might not even exists, but looking for solutions. Even if that looks like 1+2+3 will get you everything, and they sync up really well.

I have tried all solutions, but I am not really experienced to make a decision on what would work, and it's hard for me to commit 12 months on a platform. We almost closed Podium, then almost Hubspot, but they both seemed to not have everything. Hubspot being the closest, but there's so much to it, I got lost.

NOTE: This is a lot to ask for free, I am more than willing to offer compensation for someone that knows a solution to talk me through it via Zoom, etc.

submitted by /u/Final-Reading4706
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