New to CRM, help please

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Hello, yes another post about CRM recommendations, but really I'm lost.

I need to find a good CRM for my company, and I went and tried Freshworks CSS.

Did not like it. Currently I'm in trial version, there is a guy that Zoom's with me to get me setup the thing, but I really don't like it. It's too much and I think it is completely wrong for me.

The background of the work:

I have a lot of clients. These clients are usually institutions like schools, kindergartens etc.

I communicate with the kitchen staff daily via Whatsapp which is a drag. I also communicate with administrative staff. We also do email and voice calls. This is becoming overwhelming and all of this is not a good solution for me/us.

What I would need from a CRM (based on the things I currently run/do with my clients and inside the company):

  • Knowledge base (so we can input FAQ that we receive with complete answers)
  • Chat option for clients so that we can receive the images and/or videos but also to have a quick chat. Would be also good that they can take a picture directly from chat so it doesn't hog their mobile memory.
  • Would be good if they could install an app on their mobile phones.
  • Ticketing service and maybe helpdesk (but helpdesk can be done via KB)
  • Possibility of adding files for clients (which they can download not change)
  • Grouping clients so that kindergarten clients can't see the documents from the school clients
  • Would be good if we could implement our Office365
  • Creating leads, and leads database with sales tracking option
  • Option to build client base

Is there anything out there for me?


submitted by /u/skinner_st
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