Looking for simpler solution.

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Hi all. We use Cloze today with 5 users. Its actually does all we need it to do, but it’s a bit clunky and hard for the team to learn all the tricks and would like to find a simplified version with a better UI.

We have some specific but simple needs. Work with outlook, track phone calls AND messages from iPhones, share some contacts as a group, keep some contacts in same system but not share details like past email content group wide. Get reminders when some contact has not been touched by anyone on the team for a period of time.

We don’t need sales funnels or email blast capabilities her at all. Our business is almost all b2b and working with repeat customers and venders. More of our team is more on mobile then desktop, we use Teams for most of our non in person work meetings.


submitted by /u/Deep-Masterpiece5622
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