HubSpot Marketing Best Alternatives

User Review
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Hello, I'm currently using HubSpot Marketing Hub for my company. The main features I use are the email tool, contact lists, CTAs, forms, and landing pages. I'm looking to move off the platform because they are difficult to work with and charge around $10,000 annually while only allowing me to have 4,000 total contacts and 2,000 marketing contacts and automatically charge me much more if I go over either of those numbers.

The only requirements I need for an alternative are that it syncs with Salesforce, is cheaper by a relevant amount, and has the same tools I currently use with HubSpot. Many of these companies don't share their pricing or small details like how much it costs to have a certain number of contacts, so I'd really appreciate any information you guys have. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Diligent-Country1612
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