New to HubSpot, wondering how to set up Contacts

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So I’m prospecting on LinkedIn to speak with sales managers (not trying to sell them anything, trying to get into sales and looking for some insight, needless to say it’s going poorly), and I need to set up some sort of tracking to keep up with touch points.

Now because there are different “nodes” that can be followed, I was wondering if there was any way to set up If Then statements on the free version of HubSpot.

For example, potential “nodes” could be: 1. InMail > no answer > Connection Request > accepted but no answer > DM > Call 2. Connection Request > accepted with answer > Call 3. InMail > no answer > Connection Request > no answer > no more ways to reach out

Currently every possible variation has to be there which doesn’t take into consideration that any part of the chain could be or not be there.

For example, number three doesn’t need every single reminder.

Is there any way to optimize this within HubSpot or a different CRM/Software?

submitted by /u/AlbertAlbert14
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