{How to} Key areas of Application Lifecycle management within Power Platform

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Hello Everyone,

Today i am doing to touch on key areas of the Application lifecycle management.
So lets gets started.
Application lifecycle management which includes governance, development, maintenance.
Which also includes:
  • disciplines
  • maintenances
  • change management
  • support
  • continous integration
  • project management
  • deployment
  • release management
  • governance 
It also provide communication and collaboration between software development teams and related departments, like test and operations.
Important areas of Application lifecycle management:
  1. Governance: requirements management, resource management, nuturing and system administration such as data security, user access, change tracking, review, audit, deployment and rollback.
  2. Application development: software development lifecycle, planning, design, building and testing the application and continuous improvement.
  3. Maintenance: Deployment of app and maintenance of dependent technologies.
As you can see from below image: Application lifecycle is circular development process.

Areas: Plan & track, develop, build and test, deploy, operate, monitor & learn from discovery.
ALM is for Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents and Dataverse.
Microsoft Dataverse lets securely store and manage data and processes that’s used by business applications.
To use Power Platform features and tools available to manage ALM, all environments that participate in ALM must include a Dataverse database.
Solutions are the mechanism for implementing ALM.  Solutions are used to export and import across environments.
Dataverse stores all artifacts including solutions.
Source control is for storing and collaborating on your components.
CI/CD Continuous integration and  continuous delivery like Azure DevOps, which allows to automate, build test and deployment pipeline.
I hope this helps
Malla Reddy(@UK365GUY)