How to increase your productivity at work

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A marker of productivity is the ability to dedicate time for specific tasks, finish them and end your day after posting quality output. In a similar vein, if you don’t have methods for time management, organization, prioritizing or tracking tasks, your productivity and efficiency could be affected. With some adjustments to your routine and even your workspace, however, you will soon start to see improvements in your productivity. Here are some of the ways to increase your productivity at work.

1. Keep track of the time you spend on tasks

You might feel that you’re great at knowing how much time you spend on certain tasks, but most people can’t actually estimate how much time has elapsed while performing tasks. There are tools that can help you keep track of the time spent on your tasks. These tools can be installed on your smartphone, desktop or workstation (Lenovo laptop workstations for example). This way, you will not spend too long on a task while neglecting others.

2. Take regular breaks

This might seem counterintuitive, but regular breaks can help to improve concentration and productivity. Taking short breaks while performing a long task will help to maintain a consistent performance level. The reverse is likely to happen if you perform a long task without breaks.

3. Set deadlines

Stress is clearly not good, but a small amount of stress can give you more focus, which will help you accomplish your goals. When you have open-ended projects or tasks, try to create a deadline for yourself and follow it.

4. Establish small goals

It can be overwhelming sometimes to look at some of our goals. However, if you break these projects into smaller ones, you will gain more control of the situation and this could result in more productivity. Instead of putting “finish project” in your schedule, break it down by putting each task that will be needed to finish the project. This will ensure that the project is less overwhelming.

5. Tackle big tasks when you’re alert

Sometimes, we push aside our big projects because we’re either not confident of accomplishing them or we’re scared to tackle them. When we finally decide to address them, we’re then too tired to give them the attention they require. That’s the major reason why we see projects bleeding into other days and taking longer than they need to. It is imperative that you understand how and when you work best so that you can complete your big projects on schedule. If you’re a morning person, you should tackle your biggest tasks early in the day.

6. Delegate

You should also consider splitting your tasks between team members. In the event that you have different tasks on your schedule, assign some of them to other people (but only if you’re sure they’re capable of handling it). Delegation of tasks is helpful in allowing you to work on more pressing assignments without having to think too much about the less pressing ones waiting for you. This should give you enough time to focus on the bigger projects and produce great results.

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