Open SMS application with predefined details from Resco Mobile App

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Sometimes while working with the Resco Mobile app, there may be situations where we need to send a SMS to a specific client based on certain conditions; for instance like creating Booking related for Account or Technician started travelling toward the address to visit. So, in order to achieve this, previously there was no option to send SMS automatically through Resco Mobile App.

But in the latest version of Resco mobile app, we have the option to automatically open the SMS application (platform-specific SMS App) using the JsBridge’s function with predefined telephone number and the message text as well.

So “MobileCRM.Platform.sendSMS” function of JsBridge will help us to open the SMS app from the Resco mobile app automatically.

Parameters for this “MobileCRM.Platform.sendSMS” function are,

  1. Telephone Number
  2. Message Text

Note: Before using this function, make sure that you have installed latest version (i.e. 14.2.1+) of Resco Mobile app with Woodford.

Now, let’s check the steps and details to achieve the same.

Here, we want to send SMS to the Service Account on creation of Booking record from the Resco Mobile App. In order to achieve this, first we need to add the offline html file with the appropriate HTML and JavaScript code. Please find below code for the same:

Resco Mobile App

Upload the file in Offline Html in the Woodford and add the iframe on the Bookable Resource Booking Entity Form.

Please refer below screenshots for the same:

Resco Mobile App

Resco Mobile App

Resco Mobile App

Now save and publish the changes.

Once publish action is completed, navigate to the Resco Mobile App from Android on iOS device.

Now, go to Work Order and create new Booking record from Mobile app. As soon as we save the Booking, it will open messenger app with the predefined details.

Please refer below screenshots:

 Resco Mobile App  Resco Mobile App

Resco Mobile App  

Once we click on the Send button, it will send the message from the opened mobile number to the Service Account (initially it creates the draft message).


In this way, by using the MobileCRM.Platform.sendSMS function, we will be able to send SMS from the Resco Mobile App.

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The post Open SMS application with predefined details from Resco Mobile App first appeared on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Tips and Tricks.