Power Automate FLOW Comments (PREVIEW)

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Now, we can leverage Power Automate FLOW comments feature to comment, note anything related to FLOW level. As you know, already we have been using the existing commenting feature for individual action/step of FLOW. With this new comments feature, we can write or note any important things of the FLOW at FLOW level. We can also smoothen the knowledge transfer between two developers as the other developer can understand and modify the work as per the comments mentioned on the FLOW.

We can use this feature for various purposes. Suppose, there are two developers working on the same FLOW. We can inform the other developer that someone is already working on this flow by simply posting a message in the comments box from the working developer window. Now, whenever the other developer visits this FLOW, he can see that someone is working.

Till now were using the Comments option only for Action/Step level and not for the whole FLOW, as shown in the below screenshot:

Power Automate FLOW Comments

Now, with this new feature we can use comments at FLOW level at top of the FLOW, as shown in the below screenshot:

Power Automate FLOW Comments

Here, we can see who has commented on the FLOW just like chat applications windows.

Power Automate FLOW Comments

Also, we can delete and resolve the thread of the comment by using the below option.

Power Automate FLOW Comments

Once we resolve the thread it becomes read only. We cannot write anything into that thread until we re-open the thread. To re-open, we can use open button as shown in the below screenshot:

Power Automate FLOW Comments

Also, we still have option to start a new thread. In this way, we can start multiple threads as per our need.


With the help of this new feature, now we can easily note any important comments related to FLOW at the FLOW level.