Suggestion for a good CRM

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One of my tasks as a remote assistant is to help set up and manage a CRM for my client. I will enter current and past clients, business connections, industry peers, new contacts, leads, and more. I will need to make use of tags, labels, and any feature to make it useful for reporting, setting up email funnels, and more.

We're looking for something that has these features:

Affordable plan. Some start out as free or low cost but get expensive fast when upgrading for important features or bigger plans.

Lots of field customizations. Some plans limit the number of fields. A good notes section, birthdays and other important dates can be added (client anniversary, etc.), images can be added – like a photo of a card that was mailed.

A reputation for good customer support. Can be reached by phone, chat, or at least respond in 24 hours.

Easy to use once trained. Organized interface that is easy to navigate and makes sense.

Good report features. easy to pull, sort, and use the data.

Smooth import and export data. Easy to migrate when we outgrow the platform and transfer the data to something better.

Integrations: Something that is able to work with various platforms already in use. We don't want to have to change everything we're using.

Accessibility: Something with Desktop and/or mobile apps. Mac and/or Windows (I use a Macbook).

Users per account? Can two people use it at the same time, or would one have to log out?

Thanks to anyone that can answer.

submitted by /u/vendetta041990
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