Add The Knowledge Base Search Control To Form In Dynamics 365

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Why is the knowledge base search disabled in the form editor?

About Knowledge Base Search:

A knowledge base is very helpful for customer service representatives with the resolution or answers or solutions to the most common issues. This will reduce the time to assist customers or simply, the wait times for customers to get details.

If a knowledge base search control is added to a form, Service representatives will get the search option through the knowledge base easily from the form itself.


Every developer or administrator or customizer of a Dynamics 365 organization will need to customize the form of an entity very often. To customize the form, we use the form editor where we can add different components to the form like fields, sections, tabs, sub-grids, web resources, Iframes and many more. You can see the default form editor layout in the below image.

Dynamics 365 account entity configuration

Dynamics 365 account entity configuration

By default, the account entity configuration looks like in the below image.

Dynamics 365 insert tab for accounts main form

Dynamics 365 insert tab for accounts main form

Let’s see below how the insert tab for the account’s main form looks like with the above configuration.

Dynamics 365 insert tab

Dynamics 365 insert tab

The highlighted part in the above region is the button we use to add a knowledge base search in the form. And you can clearly see it was disabled at the moment.

If you want to enable knowledge base search to any entity, all you need to do is to check the small box with the name Knowledge management in that entity settings. In this example,  let’s enable it for the Account entity. To do this, we need to open the solution which contains the Account entity or we can use default solution and expand the ‘entities’ click on account. You will find the settings under Communication & Collaboration. I enabled the feature and published the customizations. Please see the below image for reference.

Dynamics 365 enable knowledge base

Dynamics 365 enable knowledge base

Now let’s see how the insert tab of the form editor in the below image. The knowledge base search button is enabled and we can add it to the form now.

Dynamics 365 insert tab of the form editor

Dynamics 365 insert tab of the form editor

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Author’s bio:

Ram has been associated with AhaApps since 2018 as a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer. He is passionate about CRM and is zealous to provide the best and efficient solutions to his clients using his analytical, logical expertise. He loves to play cricket on the field when he gets time. And sometimes likes to watch his favorite series on the telly. He is also fond of trying out games on the mobile.