What’s Wrong With Your Lead Gen Forms?

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Lead Gen forms make collecting customer-centric information a straightforward process. As soon as the customer opens the form, the essential details — such as name, phone number, email id, and address — are automatically filled. Slabs for filing private information like the credit card number, bank account details, and monthly/yearly income are left blank. 

This procedure saves time and the customer doesn’t have to remember trivial information. It also makes it easy for companies to quickly gather customer details, thereby making lead generation scalable.

Companies have made use of LinkedIn Lead Gen forms aggressively and have reaped massive profits. They have generated 4 times more leads than our set target and the Cost Per Lead (CPL) was less than a fifth compared to the previous average.

Although lead gen forms are of immense importance to companies, they have a few disadvantages as well.

Lead Gen For Errors

1. Lead Gen Form fields put a limit on the quantity of information you can request

One of the most irritating lead gen form errors is the limited custom fields that you can put in the form. For example, LinkedIn allows you to place a maximum of 3 custom fields. These custom fields enable you to request such information from the customer that isn’t collected automatically by the Lead Gen form. It is a significant disadvantage for companies that focus on providing customized experiences to their clientele. Without gathering private details, they face challenges while brainstorming marketing strategies and forecasting their future actions.

2. Lead Gen forms can frighten your clients

At times, the Lead Gen form can scare the shit out of your prospects/customers. 

Think of the following scenario. A customer opens a Lead Gen form on Facebook and finds out that it already contains his bank details and credit card number. It will surely leave his mouth gaping and his eyes bulging for a while. 

Such Lead Gen form errors will strike a massive blow to your company’s credibility and customers will be careful before sharing personal details with you.

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3. Lead Gen Forms aren’t the best alternative for B2B clients

It is a well-established fact that B2B clients pass through a more extended sales funnel than their B2C counterparts. But Lead Gen Forms will not allow you to collect information beyond a certain point. 

Different websites have distinct rules such as character limits, field caps, and policies when it comes to the creation of Lead Gen Forms. Thus, Lead Gen forms fall flat on their face while dealing with B2B clients.

4. Lead Gen Forms rob you of providing a personalized experience to your customers

The most significant disadvantage with filling Lead Gen Forms is that customers don’t require visiting your company’s website most of the time. They either fill them at a third-party website or from the email itself. It can rob you of a lot of extra opportunities that come along with filling the forms.

When prospects land at your website for filling the forms, you get access to tons of details that will help you entice customers by sending them the following:

  • Exciting offers
  • Discount coupons
  • New product launch
  • Resolving their queries
  • Providing them 24/7 support
  • Informative articles
  • DIY (Do It Yourself) blogs

Companies must ensure that the majority of customers are landing on their websites for filling forms. It will allow them to collect critical information, which is necessary for providing a personalized customer experience

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Numerous Lead Gen Form errors can undermine your efforts while collecting customer-centric information. This article sheds light on 4 critical points that you should keep in mind while preparing them. If you want to build and execute first-class marketing campaigns and personalized advertising programs, you should understand the nitty-gritty of Lead Gen Forms.

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Disclaimer: All the information, views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and their respective web sources and in no way reflect the principles, views or objectives of Sage Software Solutions (P) Ltd.

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