Why Marketing Still Matters for Your Business in Quarantine

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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced you and your co-workers to mix up how you work. You’ve also probably been trying to find ways to boost your business. As your business tries to survive the global crisis, you should know your marketing matters more than ever.

Even though money is tight and there are a lot of changes that need to be made to your business to keep it running, you still need to make marketing a priority. Just because you might not be able to reach clients right now doesn’t mean you want to stop advertising. The last thing you want is to come out of quarantine with zero customers. Customer retention is so vital to businesses; your marketing will be the tipping point during this time.

Your marketing must be more effective. You can use these five steps alone or together to accomplish that. These suggestions are helpful even when you’re not dealing with the coronavirus crisis, too.

1. Utilize Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

You might need better CRM software, or you may need to purchase CRM software for the first time. For those of you who already have something, how modern and efficient is your software? How often do you run into issues with your platform?

Customer relationship management software, or CRM, is a program that helps to manage all of your company’s interactions and relationships with customers and leads. It helps you to stay connected to the customers you already have and helps to improve business relationships.



Whether you are in need of a small business CRM software or CRM software for a larger company, you can find the perfect product for you and your team. And you can without a doubt see better marketing results. Consider giving this a shot today. It would be a wise investment for your business.

2. Hire Information Technology (IT), Consultants

If you have not considered IT consultants, you should give this idea some thought. IT consultants can be very helpful for your business. You can use their services for one-off situations, or you can turn to them for ongoing service with your IT framework.

IT Consultant

IT Consultant

They can ensure that you don’t run into bandwidth issues and help you get the most out of the tech products used by you, your colleagues, and your customers. When you have remote and traveling team members, you have even more of a reason to consider these services.

While this might not seem to be as important for marketing, it does play a big impact on your company’s ability to do its job and be more productive. The more productive your employees are in quarantine the better chance you have of coming out of this on top. 

3. Increase Your Social Media Activity

social media quarantine

social media quarantine

Social media is a very effective marketing tool, and you need to be certain to capitalize on all the great marketing features at your disposal. Make sure you are regularly using popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Be certain all of your posts include strong calls to action

If you have a Google Business account, make sure that any changes you have made to accommodate the quarantine are noted so people can see that you are still open for business (in whatever capacity that is). Having all of your social media platforms up to date will greatly increase the chance of your business continuing to grow during the quarantine.

Since people are more likely to be on there phones, tablets, and laptops during this time, it is a great opportunity for you to pop up on their Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook newsfeed. The more they see your business pop up the more likely they will be to order from you in the future.

Don’t forget to use engaging graphics, photos, and videos. Try to be creative, too. Make sure your social media is integrated with your website and take time to evaluate your social media metrics. Increase your social media activity during quarantine to see better marketing results.

4. Take Advantage of Free Earned Media Opportunities

If you are not trying to utilize free earned media, you should look into this effective marketing strategy. With customers paying more attention to the news than usual during the coronavirus pandemic, there is no better time for you to start taking advantage of free earned media opportunities. Earned media is a proven way to get more business, too.

If you are unfamiliar with what free earned media is, it refers to the publicity received through promotional efforts that are not paid media advertising. Or in other words, it is referring to how you are branding your company.

For those of you who already have established local and industry media contacts, you should reach out to them. Even if you don’t have media contacts, you shouldn’t stress out over trying to establish media relationships. News companies constantly look for community involvement and industry expertise to feature, and they want to hear from people like you. Try to look for ways to get coverage through a community service project or by providing expert commentary about industry news.

5. Send Out More Deals, Updates, and Features through Email Communications

You need to consistently send out emails to your current and potential customers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you must be certain to do this even more. It is a very effective marketing tool for you. You can send out great deals, updates about product availability, or features about your employees.

The more that you reach out to customers the more likely they are to remember you in the future. If you have a buy one get one deal or free shipping with the purchase of a certain amount, customers will be more likely to buy directly from you. There are a lot of people stuck at home, itching to buy something online. If you are promoting yourself through email and social media you are more likely to get customers buying from you now and in the future.

emails during covid

emails during covid

Make sure all of your emails have at least one call to action in them. Use graphics, photos, and videos. Don’t forget to include links to your social media and websites. Be certain you provide a clear and easy way for people to get in touch with your business, too.

Your Marketing Matters More than Ever

Whether you use one or more of the tips above, you are sure to be utilizing a tried and true marketing strategy. Whether you are using social media, emails, CRMs, or all of the above, there are so many ways you can improve your marketing at this time.

Don’t let your business suffer more than it already has to. There are so many ways to change the way you do business to help keep customers and help your business to stay afloat during these hard economic times. Do not delay putting more time and energy into your marketing efforts. You need marketing now more than ever.