Cognitive Computing: Is it the Future of Intelligence?

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Of late, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data, but what lies beneath is still unclear to most of the folks. Cognitive computing is one such tech trend that joins the list of buzzing tech topics.

So what is cognitive computing?

Simply put, cognitive computing implies nothing but self-learning computing systems that make use of machine learning tactics to execute specific human like tasks, but in an intelligent manner.

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Cognitive computing is a nexus of cognitive science that entails the human brain and the way its functions along with computer science. The upshots are proving to be boon for business, healthcare, our private lives and more.

For instance, cognitive computing could be applied in the healthcare sector to organise a patient’s history, diagnostic tools, best caregiving practices, etc. In other words, it can help analyse the wide consortium of data to help healthcare experts come up with best recommendations and caregiving practices. This way, cognitive computing would pave way to help doctors make evidence-based and data-driven treatment decisions.

Put differently, the goal here is to not replace the doctor, but to expand a doctor’s ability to process the monstrous volume of data available that no human being could retain or process and come up with a potential decision.

Cognitive computing could be applied to any industry vertical that deals with vast quantity of complex and unstructured or dark data that need to analysed and processed to address various operational concerns. This includes the finance, education and manufacturing sectors.

Further, cognitive computing can even venture into other arenas of business that include analysing consumer behaviour, customer service bots, personal shopping assistant bots, etc. For example, hotels can use concierge bots powered by cognitive computing to answer basic queries, local attractions, etc.

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Current Scenario

Siri and other personal pocket digital assistants are not true cognitive systems, as they have a pre-formatted set of answers/responses and can respond only to a pre-set number of queries. But the time is not too far when we will be addressing our cars, computers, phones, smart homes to get thoughtful and real responses rather than pre-programmed replies.

However, we do have some finest examples of cognitive computing in use today such as voice and face recognition.  Microsoft, Google and IBM are the frontiers in the arena of cognitive computing.

To conclude, cognitive computing is here to transform the way we live, work and think. This is the only reason why cognitive computing is the next big thing in the world of intelligence. Cognitive computing though is a mighty tool, but still a tool, it is imperative to decide how to use it for the greater good!

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Sources: Forbes, Duperrin and Chatbots Magazine (CBM)  

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