Azure Insights: VMs and VS Code; Stack Hub tenant subscriptions; Service Bus Topics & Event Grid; Service Bus Queues defer mode

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Azure pros share their latest tips on managing VMs with VS Code, navigating Stack Hub tenant subscriptions and guidance on Service Bus Topics, Queues and Event Grid. a

Managing VMs with VS Code

Microsoft senior cloud advocate Thomas Maurer explained that the new Azure Virtual Machines extension for VS Code lets users manage VMs much more directly with VS Code. For now, the extension remains in-preview and allows creating, starting, stopping or deleting Azure VMs as well as adding SSH keys.

Users can go and download the extension, sign into Azure, and employ a wizard to create a VM, naming it, creating a passphrase and defining its region. This generates a Standard D2s V3 VM with 2 CPU cores, 8 GB of RAM and options to immediately connect via SSH.

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