{Quick Tip} Allow lookup field to search on multiple attributes and show attributes on parent entity form using Quick View

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In a recent query presented across to me lookup field created for Category (custom entity) was being searched  not only based on the code

but also based on Description attribute of the Lookup.

It is a usual scenario for Category fields to have code and description attributes as well.

I tried to replicate the scenario in my Vanilla instance:

The sample values of categories are:

· A: Alpha

· B: Beta

· C: Captcha


Replicating the scenario below on Account entity form, we can see that searching based on description has issues:

To fix the problem navigate to Lookup entity (in this case Category mapping), Views and select Quick Find view

for the entity (as highlighted below):


Next click Add Find columns:


Add the relevant find column(selected Category description) as well:


Save, Publish your customizations. Next time on the form, even if description is typed

Category code will be automatically pulled:


Let’s go a step ahead in improving the functionality. Now say once the Category is selected, user wishes to also see the

Category description along with the code on the form.

This can be achieved by Quick View form.

Navigate to Entity customizations, Category Mapping entity in this example -> Forms and Click New Quick View Form:


Next add Category Description on the form and publish:


After Publish, Navigate to Account entity form for this example and Select Quick View form on the Insert tab:


Pick the Category Mapping Quick View form created earlier and click Ok:


Form should now be appearing like this, Click Save and Publish:


Now, whenever user types in either the category code or description both will be visible to the user on the form:


Please note that the values for Category Description are just shown on the form and not actually brought over to the

Account entity in this case.

Hope it helps and Happy CRMing!

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