D365 CE- Incident management integration with SAP Qualtrics – Part 3

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Rahul Tiwary CRM Blogs

In part 3 of my blog , I am going to explain about how I have use Common Data Connector (CDS) to call qualtrics API’s and update back the response in D365 CE.

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I have achieved my scenario using 2 power automate flows in CDS

a) Automated Flow : When a Qualtrics transaction record created in D365 CE on close of an incident

b) Scheduled Flow : To get the survey link after the import is successful and update back the Survey Link.

FirstAutomated Flow “Qualtrics – Create Transaction and Contact”

  • Connect to your environment, Select entity and define scope
  • I have used HTTP connector to call API, and used the URL stored in transaction recorded created in D365 CE from the Async plugin. For the detailed API and body structure, you can refer to part 1 of this blog
  • Initialized…

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