Notes on Dynamics 365 for Phones and Tablets app – Part 6 (Form customization)

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Continuing the previous post,

in this post, we’d see how we can configure the forms for mobile apps.

Here, for example, we have taken the Contact entity, which would have below main forms for the contact entity.

The same would be available for the user (with appropriate security roles) within the tablet app and phone app.

Now for Sections within in Form, we see the option “Available on phone”, let us keep it as unchecked.

The section would appear within the Tablet app.

The section will not be available for the Phone App users as the name of the option “Available on Phone” suggests.

“Available for phone” option is available for the Tabs as well.

This will hide the tab in the Phone App, but it will be available within the Tablet app.

Also, Microsoft document mentions that Duplicate Detection doesn’t work on phones and only works for tablets which doesn’t seem to be the case now.

The Duplicate dialog box works in case of both tablet and phone app. Below is the screen shot of the phone app.

Also, the documentation mentions that Activity Feeds are not available in Tablets but it seems that it now works for both tablet and phone apps.

With a Model-driven app, it seems most of the things are now consistent across the web, mobile and tablet app, with few exceptions, making it easy for both the admin and the end-users to configure and use.

Hope it helps..