Look for recc’s

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I've been using HubSpot for the past 4 years, two different jobs. My current company let me pick what CRM would allow me to do the best, I picked HS because of my past experience and the marketing capabilities. I've used Sales Force in the past, but I was in Sales at the time and it was great for the sales tracking.

I've been using HubSpot for over a year in my current role, and I send a lot of sequences and marketing emails. I say a lot, but its one quarterly online flipbook (link in email) and then maybe every couple months, I sed out a flyer with product on sale or trending. I've noticed in the last 5/6 months my email open rate has dropped significantly and the largest customer of ours, has dropped from 77% open rate to 3%. This happened in the time it took between q1 and q2 catalog send outs.

Is this an EVERY CRM issue? or is there a better CRM out there to swap to. My CEO uses Apollo but it sounds like he uses it because of the ability to search contacts from companies. I've now been helping him with campaigns and new sales meetings, so we think its best we use the same platform.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Impossible_Block7163
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