Need a really simple crm to manage 3000 contacts (and maybe projects)

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I use to manage the projects for my screen printing company. Basically new jobs vs pricing sent vs closed deals vs finished deals. But that's just people who email us and place orders. I am a one person team so I don't need something that focuses on teams. Just manage contacts and projects.

I have 3000 contacts (many I have not talked to and might not be interested anymore) from over the last ten years that we don't ever contact except mass email blasts monthly and we want to start developing relationships with each one individually. We want to have their phone and email in one place. We want to write notes about what we talk about. Maybe schedule reminders and tasks based on our discussion.

We use Gmail for staying in touch so maybe integrated so all our correspondence is saved under the client.

Needs to be quick to learn in a weekend and affordable.

(and if it had project management similar to Monday I'd switch that over too)

submitted by /u/thc_guy12
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