Real Estate Prospecting

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Hey everyone, I’m a real estate associate in Australia and need a software or website that can allow me to create a list of a bunch of people to call, call those people and be able to label them depending on the outcome of the call. Depending on the outcome of the call, requires different steps after the call. For example, if a lead picks up their phone and we speak and they’re not interested, they instantly get removed from my list. If someone doesn’t answer their phone and I leave a voicemail, this lead will go into another table for me to drop off a letter in their mailbox informing them of the recent listing in their suburb just to ensure I did what I could to reach out to them. The software or website also has to be able to track my “connects” with the people I call, how many people said yes to being added into my database and how many people I’ve booked appraisals with.

If it helps, I call people within a specific suburb I want to grow market share in and inform them of a recent listing my lead agent has listed in the area. I then ask people if they would like me to call them back in a few weeks once the property sells to inform them of the results of the sale as an excuse for me to build rapport with them and add them to my database or offer a free appraisal with them.

I’m technical inclined and am familiar with automations but not looking for something where I need to use APIs, code or formulas. I’ve tried Notion but it’s turned out messy, tried but that’s turned out messy too.

submitted by /u/Hon3ydewBoba
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