Need CRM for tiny business to get off excel for sales

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Hi- There are only 2 of us in sales and we currently use separate excel sheets to keep track of leads. We use tripleseat for our event management software, QB for our accounting, 7shifts for keeping track of hourly employees. We need something that allows us to

  1. organize tasks like follow-up

***2. pull up relevant clients who didn't book last year but who enquired in Feb for a summer event or August for a Dec event

  1. track how many leads closed and why we lost the ones who didn't

  2. have all contacts from one company in one place

  3. keep track of emails and contacts (we use thunderbird)

  4. show all stats from average customer booking in what month to where our leads are coming from

  5. month over month, year over year reports

  6. make sure leads that we couldn't reach don't drop off

  7. keep track of cold calls between us

I am sure there are other things that I missing in so far as sale management but you get the drift

Thank you!

submitted by /u/joesgrille
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