{Power 2021} Get current App details in Model Driven App and D365 client-side scripts

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In a recent project there was a need to know Model driven App name in client side script.

We can achieve the requirement using following script.

In this example I have alerted App details on Load of a custom entity titled “Visit” under a Model driven App called “Visitor management”.

Here is the output:


Here is the script:

function onLoadApp()

var globalContext = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext();

function successCallback(app)

var message = “App Display name: ” + app.displayName + “\nApp name: ” + app.uniqueName + “\nApp Id: ” + app.appId;
var messageString =
confirmButtonLabel: “Ok”,
text: message

var messageAlertOption =
height: 120,
width: 260

Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog(messageString, messageAlertOption);


function errorCallback()

{ console.log(“Error”);




Other details that are accessible in the app object are mentioned below:

· appId

· displayName

· uniqueName

· url

· webResourceId

· webResourceName

· welcomePageId

· welcomePageName

Hope it helps and Power 365ing as usual!

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