CRM Options for just emailing and email history

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We are currently using Goldmine CRM. Have been for many years. We have a love/hate relationship with it. We use it for the email and contact database management. What we like is that all email & notes to/from customers are saved in the customer's contact record history. And any employee here can view the customer history and all the email communications that have gone back and forth, regardless of which employee here sent/received the email. We don't use any of the other features. Just emailing and viewing email history. I don't know anything about CRMs and I'm not really sure how unique a feature that is. Or what would be involved with migrating our data to a new system. But it would be awesome if we could have that same feature (all employees able to view customer communication history) with a more easy to use and stable program. Any suggestions for us?

submitted by /u/oceanjunkie79
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