Add a Timeline to Power Pages Forms

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Power Pages is a great tool to give users access to Dataverse information without having to fully license them and give them access to your system. However, adding Dynamics functionality can be a bit tricky at times. One of those times would be when adding a timeline to basic or multi-step form. Let’s take a look at everything required to add it.

For this example, we are going to give portal users read access to activities and notes and allow them to create portal comment activities. To start, we will add the timeline to the form in PowerApps. Next, we will need to open to classic edit and select the timeline we just added. From here, we have to the web client properties tab so we can choose the default tab the timeline will use. Since we are going to use the timeline for activities we want to switch it from notes to activities.



Now we can go over to the power pages management app and open the basic or multi-step form we want to use the timeline on. From here, will need to add a metadata record. We will select the timeline option. The name of the timeline can be adjusted here, and we can toggle the option to create portal comments and whether or not those comments can have attachments.



That is all of the form configuration needed. Now we just need to get the security permissions set correctly. To do this, we can go to the table… (read the full post on


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