Simple and complete CRM for a small agency

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we are a small company from Poland, which makes repeatable deals based on a simple emails with clients and vendors. We have been using Pipedrive (Professional) for almost a year and unfortunately we are not 100% happy with it. This was our first CRM we tried and i think we were charmed by the cool features, so we are not much experienced. Our business is really simple and all we need is shared mailbox, good team workflow and everything grouped in Deals.

The main problem is that we have one shared mailbox, which Pipedrive seems to not support well. We don't want to use any external apps.

Is there any CRM that meets following conditions?

  • Of course Deals – data fields would be great
  • Supports shared mailbox with teamwork features like email assigning to other employee
  • It should be the only app we need in terms of email. I mean, we want do all the emails inside CRM, without need of using Outlook etc.
  • Mobile app with possibility of sending emails
  • Email templates
  • Document templates – low priority

I already browsed through this reddit, but haven't found any interesting solution.

Thank you in advance for all suggestions!

submitted by /u/faxior
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