Looking for old school bare bones lead management software

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Can anyone recommend me something that looks like this old-school CRM software designed for car dealerships back in the early 2000s?

I'm looking for something like what is on pg 12 of the training guide linked below. (this particular software no longer exists & I'm not in the automotive industry; just looking for something similar to this layout/function)


The screenshot is of a specific client record. The top half of the page is client information (name, contact info, notes on what they are looking for) and the bottom half of the page is the contact history. Contact history could include that you had made a phone call with notes from the call, text message, had sent an email (it integrated so you could click to view the email–nice if there's a way to integrate with Gmail but low priority).

There was also a homepage that was broken into 2 sections–top half of the page was tasks due for the day (follow up calls that you needed to make) and bottom half was appointments scheduled. When you clicked on the task, it would take you to the client record page for the call that was due.

This is really all I am looking for–a way to have a customer profile (if it lets you add a photo of the person that's a bonus), the contact history below the client info, and a to do page that links to the client record.

I really want something as SIMPLE/bare bones as possible. I don't want a distracting left sidebar with 20 different buttons for reporting, analytics, campaigns, and all this other stuff. Just want a tool that keeps track of who people are, when we last spoke/about what, and a way to schedule future follow-ups.

Also I guess I prefer the layout of older software with the menu bars at the top–almost every CRM I've found so far seems to have that left sidebar with a zillion buttons and Kanban style tiles with tasks.

Does anyone have any suggestions for something as simple as this old 2000s software?

If anyone does, thank you in advance for your help! I've already wasted hours searching and not sure what other search terms to try.

submitted by /u/Curious-Scholar562
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