Confused and Lost

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Hello Members,

I'm confused right now. I am a geek, and have made hundreds and hundreds of CRMs, SCMs, ERPs and POSs (list is very long) related to different business areas. I have been in Computer Science field from a decade. I was and am always been intrigued about different areas of CS, I have experience in all field of computer sciences, but I never took CS serious for money making purposes. Yes, I have worked with clients from all over the world provided them with the solutions to their problems and get paid in return for that. months. I am unable to do freelancing because I stop using freelancer 8-9 months ago, and couple of months ago I found out they ban me. I think people were contacting me on freelancer, and I was away, geeking. and they blocked me permanently.

I have written about my background in the above paragraph. I am seeking guidance in using these products as a source of income. In any way I can sell those to customers or business owners, or someone else who can help me in selling those to potential clients.

Note: I made those systems myself, so no need to bs about getting source code from sites.

submitted by /u/AbdulBasit34310
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