The Undeniable Business Value of Acumatica: Real-Life Success Stories

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In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a crucial role in achieving these goals. Among the leading ERP solutions, the business value of Acumatica stands out for many reasons. Chief among them is its unique approach to user licensing and its impact on accounting and finance operations. This blog explores real-life success stories that illustrate the real business value of Acumatica.


User License Savings

ERP user fees can be a significant financial burden for businesses. Traditional ERP publishers often price their applications by module, adding fees for concurrent user licenses. Some companies sell named-user licenses, while others use a hybrid approach. These models can be costly, especially for companies with many users who need limited system access.

Acumatica believes in providing every user access to the ERP system without restrictive and costly user-based licensing. For instance, Key Code Media highlights the benefits of Acumatica’s approach:

“[Acumatica] is totally different from the other ERP vendors we considered. For example, 40 percent of our company are engineers, who will rarely access the system. They may need to enter a timecard or access the system for five minutes a day. Some subcontractors may only need to access the ERP once a week. So why should we pay for an expensive full-user license for each of them, as other ERP providers require?”

As you can imagine, this flexibility translates to significant savings for businesses across all industries. ProPharma, for example, saved $120,000 annually with Acumatica’s unlimited users. Fast-growing companies like BLD Brands, American Meadows, and Dukathole also praise Acumatica for its consumption-based pricing model, which allows them to add new users with minimal effort and cost.


The business value of Acumatica: Accounting and Finance Savings

The return on investment (ROI) in accounting can take many forms. Acumatica customers have reported impressive improvements in accounting efficiency and cost savings. One notable example is Ask Afrika, which reduced its accounting activities from 63 hours a week to just 20 hours. This change freed up 43 hours (more than a week!) for staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

Similarly, LifeSource leveraged Acumatica’s workflows and automation to eliminate manual data entry, resulting in a 40% improvement in efficiency. They also reduced aged invoices over 90 days by over 50%. OFS International experienced a dramatic improvement, reducing their invoicing process from 21 days to the same day.

Closing the books is often a cumbersome process. However, Acumatica’s modern ERP application simplifies this task significantly. For example, Liveview Technologies, Smartnumbers, and Power Storage Solutions have reported period close improvements of 67%, 75%, and 89%, respectively.


Streamlined Period Close Processes

Efficient period close processes are crucial for business agility and decision-making. Acumatica empowers businesses to streamline these processes effectively. For instance, Liveview Technologies improved their period close by 67%, enabling quicker access to financial insights and reducing operational bottlenecks. Similarly, Smartnumbers and Power Storage Solutions achieved impressive improvements of 75% and 89%, respectively, in their period close efficiency.

Beyond period close, Acumatica enhances various accounting activities:

  • ComCenter reduced accounts payable activities from 40 hours a week to just 10 hours, leveraging automated document recognition and approval processes.
  • Liveview Technologies, operating across 45 states, benefits from Acumatica’s embedded Avalara sales tax solution, saving the equivalent of a full-time accounting resource annually.
  • Fidelux automated commission payments, saving 7 hours monthly, demonstrating Acumatica’s versatility in automating critical financial processes.
  • Parallels achieved an 80% reduction in financial consolidation time and costs, demonstrating the scalability and efficiency gains provided by Acumatica.
  • Target Enterprises reduced reconciliation from about a week to just two hours, enhancing accuracy and timeliness in financial reporting.
  • DDB Unlimited saved $80,000 annually by bringing accounting processes in-house, illustrating Acumatica’s cost-saving potential across different operational scales.


Unlimited User Licenses Impact

Acumatica’s unlimited user license model provides substantial benefits to growing businesses. Dakota Red, for example, expanded from 10 users in their old system to 70 users with Acumatica, without incurring additional costs for occasional users. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their operations seamlessly and provide real-time access to their ERP system without financial constraints.


Simplified Invoice Processing

Invoice processing efficiency is critical for business operations. Acumatica enables businesses to streamline this process significantly. For instance, Bob Davis Sales reduced their invoice processing time from 30 hours to just 2 hours, improving cash flow and operational efficiency.



In conclusion, Acumatica stands out as a transformative ERP solution that not only saves businesses money but also enhances operational efficiency across various departments. From innovative user licensing models that eliminate unnecessary costs to streamlined accounting processes that save time and improve accuracy, Acumatica empowers businesses to thrive in competitive markets.

As shown by real-life examples like Key Code Media, ProPharma, and Dakota Red, the business value of Acumatica extends beyond cost savings—it fosters growth and agility, enabling businesses to focus on strategic initiatives rather than operational inefficiencies.

Interested in learning more about how Acumatica can benefit your business? Contact us today to discover how Acumatica’s robust features and flexible deployment options can help you reach your business forward.

The post The Undeniable Business Value of Acumatica: Real-Life Success Stories appeared first on ERP Cloud Blog.