Seeking CRM guidance for Entertainer who 4 walls shows-needs multiple levels of interface

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I have searched through threads here and haven't found anything precisely on point for my needs, so making an OP to get some help.

I'm a professional hypnotist, and I 4 wall a lot of shows (i rent the venue, sell the tickets, keep the money from ticket sales), and I also work with non-profits to perform benefit shows where I am also effectively running ticket sales and soliciting sponsorships on their behalf.

I need CRM that will allow me to segment audiences in the following ways:

Fans/attendees- preferably sorted by geography when/if possible. I often have updates and show announcements that I'd like to let people within a certain range know where I'll be performing in the future.

Non-profit entities- Keeping non profits in the loop on expanded opportunities to work with me, and keep touchpoints on them if they do not rebook right away–no need for these entities to get regular show announcements

Sponsors- I have a team that solicits sponsorships for my non-profit shows. Would want these segmented out by geography and preferably be able to tag them with the entity they've supported in the past. i.e if I do an annual show for Cause X, I want to be able to do a blast to a sponsor list who has supported cause X in the past, or within the general geography of Cause X.

Venues- While I am trending my business model in the direction of the NPO benefits, I do some straight up ticketed gigs with venues, some are 4 walled, others are just paid.

Looking for something that will handle all of this, but I don't anticipate needing drip campaigns, automation, or anything like that other than perhaps scheduling a follow up e-mail after a gig for a certain audience or cause for rebooking or review purposes.


submitted by /u/Dogelawmd
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