How We Save Clients’ $9,600 Annually by Migrating from ActiveCampaign to Bitrix24

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Background: Our client faced significant challenges and high costs managing marketing campaigns using ActiveCampaign, which cost over $800 per month, in addition to inefficiencies from using a separate system, Bitrix24, for task and project management. This arrangement not only increased expenses but also led to operational inefficiencies due to employees needing to switch between two systems.

Initial Setup:

  • ActiveCampaign: Used to create forms on client websites, with submissions triggering various marketing campaign scenarios and task creations for staff (e.g., preparing reports, and contacting clients).
  • Bitrix24 (Professional tier): Used primarily for task and project management, costing $249 per month, equipped with comprehensive business tools for up to 100 users.

Objective: Reduce operational costs and improve workflow efficiency by migrating all functionalities from ActiveCampaign to Bitrix24, allowing employees to operate within a single system.


  • Developed custom forms to be hosted directly on client websites, effectively replacing those used in ActiveCampaign.
  • Migrated all marketing automation functionalities to Bitrix24.


  • Carefully documented the marketing automation configurations from ActiveCampaign and translated these into Bitrix24 using BPMN diagrams, which were approved by the client.
  • Created a PHP-based form that can be customized for different campaigns and integrated into any client site. Form submissions now generate a lead in Bitrix24 CRM, capturing client data and campaign details.
  • Implemented a comprehensive CRM strategy in Bitrix24, including lead qualification and dual funnel management for campaigns and consultations.

Bitrix24 CRM Enhancements:

  • Lead Qualification Process: Automates the conversion of leads into deals based on detailed campaign data.
  • Campaigns and Consultations Funnels: Manages the lifecycle of client interactions from initial contact to consultation booking.

Campaign Funnel Stages:

  • New: Automatically identifies and initiates the required marketing campaign.
  • Active Campaigns: Manages ongoing client campaigns.
  • Report Preparation: A dedicated stage for tracking report creation, ensuring all necessary documentation is completed accurately and on time.
  • Task Management: Another critical stage designed to monitor and ensure the completion of tasks related to client engagements.
  • Email Trigger: Monitors client engagement through email interactions.
  • Success: Marks the achievement of campaign goals (e.g., scheduling a consultation).
  • Unsuccessful Stages: Transitions deals to a nurturing funnel if initial campaign goals are not met.

Project Details:

  • Duration: The entire migration and implementation process took 50 hours.
  • Cost to Client: The total cost for the solution was $2,500.

Financial Impact:

  • By eliminating ActiveCampaign, the client saves over $800 monthly, equating to nearly $9,600 annually.
  • This significant reduction in software costs, along with enhanced operational efficiencies, allows for more focused and effective marketing and client management efforts within Bitrix24.

submitted by /u/Bitrix24Guru
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